Antiallergic Formula

Allergic disease is one of the most important and common health problems worldwide. It is estimated that ∼20% of the population in western countries suffers from some form of allergy, and the incidence of allergy is still rising. A hereditary predisposition for allergy is thought to be involved. However, environmental factors appear to be required to trigger the disease. The hygiene hypothesis suggests that insufficient or aberrant exposure to environmental microbes is one of the causes of allergy development.

The underlying denominators and treatment targets in allergic disorders may be outlined as aberrant barrier functions of the skin epithelium and gut mucosa and dysregulation of the immune response to ubiquitous environmental antigens. Allergen avoidance has been the standard treatment in the past. But it only relieves the symptoms but does not treat the disease. Instead, induction of tolerance by exposure to antigens may be the appropriate method. Probiotics may be such safe alternatives for providing necessary microbial stimulation.

The intestine is the body's largest immune organ; most of the antibody-producing cells reside in the intestine. A relatively recently recognized function of the intestinal microbiota is to provide stimulation of the immune system. Consumption of probiotics is, in most cases, aimed at modulating the composition and activity of the intestinal microbiota. This modulation can be expected to influence the immune system.

Probiotics may exhibit antiallergic effects by degradation or structural modification of enteral antigens, stabilization of aberrant microbiota, improvement of the gut-barrier function, regulation of the secretion of pro-inflammatory mediators, and development of the immune system. Experimental studies have found that probiotics exert strain-specific effects in the intestinal lumen and on epithelial cells and immune cells with antiallergic potential. These effects include enhancement in antigen degradation and gut barrier function and induction of regulatory and pro-inflammatory immune responses.

Not all probiotics have the same immunological properties. Creative Enzymes provides a high-quality antiallergic formula for academic and industrial use. Please contact us for product details.

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