Pet Probiotic Formula

Like humans, pets experience a wide range of digestive, immune, skin, oral, emotional and physical stress problems. Any one of these factors can affect your pet's health. Probiotics can help support your pet's digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, overall health, and emotional well-being. Creative Enzymes is committed to providing quality probiotic product solutions to support the healthy growth of pets.

Pet Probiotic Formula

Research has shown that probiotics can support the health and digestive processes of pets at any stage of life. Adding probiotics to your pet's diet can help improve fat and carbohydrate digestibility and fecal quality in the intestinal tract. With 80% of a pet's immune system residing in its gut, a bacterial population that is both diverse and rich in beneficial organisms is critical to your pet's immune health as well as whole body health. The rich diversity of bacteria in your pet's gut can counteract the effects of stress from harmful pathogens, poor diet, aging, and environmental toxins. Our innovative pet probiotic formula effectively enriches the beneficial bacteria species in your pet's intestinal tract, thus increasing the beneficial effects on your pet's health.

Creative Enzymes determines the microbial composition of the gut of healthy dogs through advanced technology. We know exactly what a probiotic product for pets needs to deliver and where it provides the best benefits. Our scientists use our carefully selected strains to scientifically formulate and generate safe formulas that support pet nutrition and health. If you have the requirement, please contact us for product details.

Online Inquiry

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Our Products Cannot Be Used As Medicines Directly For Personal Use.