Mass Spectrometry-Based Identification Systems

The MALDI Biotyper system's automated mass spectrometry identification method allows for rapid and accurate microbial identification. Creative Enzymes' MALDI Biotyper system meets the expectations of our clients, offering powerful analytical identification services with the advantages of easy operation, rapid identification, low operating costs and an automatically updated database.

Introduction of The MALDI Biotyper System

The MALDI Biotyper high-throughput microbial identification system has revolutionized the identification of microorganisms and has become an excellent tool for accurate identification of microorganisms. The system includes a matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MALDI-TOF) and the Biotyper database, which is a technology in microbial identification and classification with a fast and easy workflow and powerful and reliable data processing capabilities.

Principle of The MALDI Biotyper System

The MALDI Biotyper system obtains microbial signature protein fingerprints based on MALDI-TOF MS technology. These fingerprints are processed by Biotyper software and compared with standard fingerprints of known microorganisms in the database to achieve rapid identification of microorganisms.

Fig. 1 Basic principles of MALDI-TOF MS - Creative Enzymes.Fig. 1 Basic principles of MALDI-TOF MS. (Jang, 2018)

The principle of MALDI is to irradiate a co-crystalline film formed by the sample and the matrix with a laser. The matrix absorbs energy from the laser and transmits it to the biomolecules, while the ionization process protonates the biological sample. The principle of TOF is that ions are accelerated by an electric field and fly through a vacuum flight tube, and are detected depending on the time of flight to the detector. That is, the molecular weight of an ion is detected by measuring the mass-to-charge ratio (M/Z) of the ion proportional to the time of flight of the ion.

Workflow of The MALDI Biotyper System

  • Preparation of matrix solution

The matrix type may affect the formation of mass spectrometry peaks. Creative enzymes can provide matching matrix solutions.

  • Sample preparation

Pick colonies for smear.

  • Mass spectrometry

A certain amount of sample supernatant was spotted and added to the target plate, dried and then spotted with an equal amount of matrix. After letting dry, MALDI-TOF MS analysis was performed.

  • Data analysis

The identification report is obtained by comparison and analysis in the database through Biotyper software.

Fig. 2 Workflow for microbial identification using MALDI-TOF MS - Creative Enzymes.Fig. 2 Workflow for microbial identification using MALDI-TOF MS. (Jang, 2018)

Advantages of The MALDI Biotyper System

  • Easy operation and high throughput

Microbial samples can be simply processed for spectrum acquisition and analyzed to obtain identification results. High throughput identification of strains can be done in a few minutes.

  • High sensitivity

Fast and reliable detection with high reproducibility can be achieved using the classic MALDI-TOF series mass spectrometer.

  • Good accuracy

Data analysis is performed using the powerful Biotyper software, whose sophisticated algorithms guarantee the accuracy of the identification results.

Creative Enzymes is a professional and experienced supplier and service provider of probiotics. Our scientific team provides clients with efficient and reliable analytical identification services through the MALDI Biotyper system to provide useful insights for their probiotic development projects. To get more information, please contact us or fill out the online inquiry below, we will be happy to serve your research demands.


  1. Jang, K. S.; et al. Rapid and robust MALDI-TOF MS techniques for microbial identification: a brief overview of their diverse applications. Journal of Microbiology. 2018, 56(4): 209-216.

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