Research on Probiotic-Host Interactions and Potential Mechanisms

Uncovering the mechanisms of probiotic-host interactions will facilitate the control of probiotic product quality and the study of host response efficacy. Creative Enzymes utilizes a combination of powerful molecular biology methods and animal models to provide clients with a comprehensive study of potential probiotic-host interaction mechanisms to promote more focused and personalized applications of probiotics.


Since the activity of probiotics is closely related to the conditions of the host gastrointestinal tract and changes in the intestinal microbial population, a deeper understanding of gut-microbial interactions is needed when selecting the appropriate probiotic. One of the long-term goals of Creative Enzymes is to understand the molecular basis that drives the interaction of probiotics with their hosts. We facilitate rational decision making for our clients in the selection of probiotics in industry and medicine by using powerful histological techniques to dissect the gene function of probiotics in in vitro and in vivo models.

Probiotic MAMP–Prr interactions in iEcs and associated signalling events.Fig. 1 Probiotic MAMP–Prr interactions in iEcs and associated signalling events. (Lebeer, 2010)

Our Services

  • Assessment of probiotic colonization and persistence in GIT using mouse models

Adhesion of mucus and epithelial cells not only provides a competitive advantage for the strain, but also creates stronger interactions with the host, thereby recognizing the probiotic and stimulating the host's immune response. Creative enzymes were used to simulate the complex environment and stress of the gastrointestinal tract through an animal model to assess the colonization and persistence of probiotics. We calculated the persistence and colonization of the strains from the recovery of cells in the feces after probiotic intervention. In addition, we used proteomic analysis to identify proteins involved in host adhesion.

  • Assessment of probiotic transcriptional responses in the gastrointestinal tract

The interaction between probiotics and hosts in the gastrointestinal tract is multifaceted. Creative Enzymes analyzes host transcriptional responses, specific immune cells, and immune factor response through mouse models revealing the involvement of multiple cell types and effector molecules as well as cellular receptors and cell signaling molecules. In addition, we can identify gene expression and protein production patterns associated with probiotic adhesion to the host.

  • Analysis and evaluation of surface compounds of probiotics

Probiotic surface molecules include flagella, bacterial hairs, secreted proteins, cell wall-associated polysaccharides, lipophosphatidic acid, lipopolysaccharide and peptidoglycan. These substances modulate the intestinal immune system, which then modulates the systemic immune system by mediating crosstalk between the host and the bacteria. Creative Enzymes investigates the complex interactions of various probiotic surface molecules with various host receptors and adaptation molecules through genomics, probiotic surface proteome, and glycobiome analysis techniques.

Creative Enzymes is a professional and experienced probiotic supplier and service provider. We use a variety of advanced technologies to accurately assess the mechanisms of probiotic-host interactions to help our clients better understand how probiotics deliver their health benefits to their hosts. To get more information, please contact us and we will be happy to serve your research demands.


  1. Lebeer, S.; et al. Host interactions of probiotic bacterial surface molecules: comparison with commensals and pathogens. Nature Reviews Microbiology. 2010, 8(3): 171-184.

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Our Products Cannot Be Used As Medicines Directly For Personal Use.