Genome Shuffling Service

Genome rearrangement of the whole genome of the strain by genome shuffling technique can help overcome barriers in the development of strains for applications and obtain more cost-effective strains. Creative Enzymes leverages our extensive experience in genetic modification and advanced technology to provide strain improvement optimization services to support our clients' probiotic development projects.

Introduction to Genome Shuffling

Genome modification is a new technology for microbial genetic breeding and strain improvement. This technique combines traditional mutagenesis and recursive fusion in a single procedure to randomly recombine microbial cell genomes, thereby greatly increasing the frequency and rate of positive mutations in microbial proliferation, resulting in rapid and objective positive mutant strains. This technique has the advantage over conventional breeding of simultaneous changes at different loci across the genome without the need for detailed genetic insight. Genome shuffling has been widely used to increase the production of microbial metabolites, improve the resistance of a wide range of microbial phenotypes, and enhance the genetic diversity of species.

Our Methods

Creative Enzymes offers genetic shuffling technology that combines classical breeding with high-throughput screening to help our clients rapidly transform original strains into industrial strains. Our method is based on the principle of rearrangement of the whole microbial genome with the following main steps.

  • Mutant libraries possessing multiple positive mutations were obtained by conventional mutagenesis.
  • The obtained mutant library was used as the parent for protoplast fusion to exchange recombination of the genome.
  • After recursive multiple fusions, the positive mutations are concentrated and recombined into the final obtained target strain.
  • Screening and evaluation of new strains.

Our Test Process

To get the desired productivity out of the strain, we offer customized genetic modification technologies to accelerate the performance of the strain. Our services cover the entire process of optimal media selection, mutagenesis, biomass control and evaluation of new strains, dedicated to saving time and gaining cost efficiency for our clients' project development.

Fig. 1 Genetic shuffling service flow at Creative Enzymes.Fig. 1 Genetic shuffling service flow at Creative Enzymes.

Creative Enzymes is a professional and experienced probiotic supplier and service provider. In the process of helping our clients develop probiotics, we maximize the strains while retaining the characteristics of rapid growth, genetic stability, and reduced cultivation costs. To get more information, please contact us and we will be happy to serve your research demands.

Online Inquiry

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Our Products Cannot Be Used As Medicines Directly For Personal Use.