Silage Inoculants

In order to ensure the active development of animal husbandry, animals need a constant supply of high-quality nutrients throughout the year. How to preserve feed and ensure the supply of animal nutrition is an important issue in times of production shortage. Probiotics as effective silage additives help maintain the quality of the feed and drive fermentation in the desired direction, preventing undesirable microbes from robbing valuable protein and energy resources from the ensiled forage.

Silage Inoculants

Silage is the typical method of anaerobic preservation technology. The purpose of using probiotics as silage inoculants is to inhibit the growth of undesirable microorganisms and spoilage of the feed while minimizing nutrient and energy losses. Making silage allows farmers to store feed and provide cost-effective solutions for animal nutrition when needed. Most of the probiotics used as silage inoculants are lactic acid bacteria (LAB), in addition to fermenting bacteria such as Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus and Lactococcus. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) convert sugars mainly into lactic acid and other by-products such as acetic acid or butyric acid under anaerobic conditions. This accelerates the pH drop and improves fermentation, maintains feed value, inhibits the growth of undesirable microorganisms, and allows long preservation of forage under normal conditions.

The quality of silage directly affects the nutrition and health of animals. Creative Enzymes has combined our knowledge of microbial fermentation and animal nutrition to develop a range of silage ferments, thereby providing effective support to farmers with the challenges of feed preservation and animal nutrition. Please contact us for product details.

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