Formulas to Alleviate Side Effects of Tumors

Cancer is currently a leading cause of death worldwide, causing a huge burden to cancer patients and society. There are four main types of current cancer treatment: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy, but the treatment process is often accompanied by multiple side effects (such as diarrhea, infection, vomiting, mucositis, etc.), which bring suffering to patients.

Creative Enzymes offers selected probiotics as an emerging adjuvant cancer treatment option that not only reduces the side effects of the aforementioned therapies on patients, but is also essential for improving the quality of survival. The ameliorative effects of the probiotics we offer on the side effects of cancer treatment include the following:

  • Effect of probiotics in improving side effects of cancer surgery treatment

Surgical treatment is often accompanied by trauma, infection, inflammation and multiple postoperative complications. In addition, surgical invasion and postoperative antibiotic application will affect the balance of intestinal flora and disrupt the integrity of the intestinal barrier. The application of probiotics can enhance the immunity and nutrition level of patients, reduce inflammation, improve intestinal flora disorders, reduce the use of antibiotics, shorten the hospital stay, and achieve the purpose of improving the complications of surgical treatment.

  • Effect of probiotics on the improvement of side effects of radiation therapy for cancer

As radiation therapy lacks cancer cell specificity, normal tissues in the irradiated area can also be damaged, bringing side effects and complications. In addition, it can induce disturbance of host intestinal flora. In radiation combined with chemotherapy, probiotics can mitigate the decline of immune cells brought about by radiotherapy, downregulate various cytokines (IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α) to reduce the inflammatory response, reduce normal tissue death and increase the density of tissue tight junction related proteins (claudin-1, ocludin and ZO-1, etc.) to maintain mucosal integrity.

  • Effect of probiotics on the improvement of side effects of cancer chemotherapy

The use of compound probiotics can effectively improve the side effects of anti-cancer drugs on gastrointestinal toxicity by promoting intestinal mucosal barrier function, reducing serum and colonic 5-HT levels, and down-regulating the abundance of pro-5-HT secreting microorganisms.

  • Effect of probiotics on the improvement of side effects of cancer immunotherapy

Probiotics can improve the efficiency effectiveness of immunotherapy by increasing the patient's response to immunotherapy through a variety of mechanisms. Animal studies have demonstrated that the use of probiotic supplementation reduces colitis in mice treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors, while the relief of this side effect did not come at the expense of the efficacy of immunotherapy.

Creative Enzymes is a leading supplier in the field of probiotics. Our probiotic ingredient has a broad prospect and extremely high application and clinical significance as a safer and more convenient product to use, which can greatly reduce the side effects of patients. Please contact us for product details.

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