Application of Probiotics in Neurological-Related Diseases

The gut microbiome can spread by communicating with the brain to cause mood disorders, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases. Currently, there is a lack of durable solutions for this type of disorders. Therapeutic approaches based on probiotics and live bacteria are expected to prevent and treat these diseases and health problems associated with the gut-brain axis. Creative Enzymes is a trusted partner in providing probiotics for neurological problems. In addition, we offer research services to provide insights into the applications of probiotics in neurological problems to help our clients develop and find more effective treatments.

Probiotics and Brain Health

Altered microbiota-gut-brain axis interactions have been suggested as a possible cause of a number of brain disorders, including autism spectrum disorders, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and mood disorders. Probiotics can affect brain-bacteria communication directly or indirectly through the enteric nervous system (ENS) and the immune system and exert anxiolytic and antidepressant properties, leading to dramatic changes in cognitive and emotional parameters. These specifically include the endocrine, parasympathetic autonomic (vagus) and immune systems. All of these conditions can also affect cognitive and behavioral processes, leading to behavioral changes.

The main beneficial effects of probiotics on the nervous system include:

  • Regulation of neurotransmitters involved in the gut-brain axis, such as monoamines, serotonin, GABA, and brain-derived neurotrophic factors.
  • Regulation of the innate and adaptive immune system to support the dominance of regulatory networks that prevent inflammation or immune-mediated disease and inflammatory responses.
  • Promoting the growth and development of nerve tissue, the connection between synapses, and the reduction of neurodegeneration.

Potential mechanisms of probiotics action in the prevention of colorectal cancer development.Fig. 1 Potential mechanisms of probiotics action in the prevention of colorectal cancer development. (Śliżewska, 2020)

Probiotics for Neurological Related Diseases

Creative Enzymes provides probiotics that can be used and exert beneficial effects in a variety of neurological-related diseases, and these strains include two main types of bacteria, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. The table below describes the main effects of different classes of probiotics on the nervous system in preclinical studies. These strains can be used individually or in the form of a combination formulation.

  • Lactobacillus
Probiotics Main Effects on The Nervous System
Lactobacillus casei Regulating serotonin and dopamine concentrations on the gut-brain axis, with mood and fatigue improving effects.
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus reuteri
Suppressing the development and progression of autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Lactobacillus helveticus Reducing neuroinflammation, serotonin metabolism, and has a positive effect on mood and cognitive function.
Lactobacillus rhamonus Regulating the transmission of neurotransmitters such as GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) and improve mental health.
  • Bifidobacteria
Probiotics Main Effects on The Nervous System
Bifidobacterium longum Regulating vagal tone and has a positive effect on cognition.
Bifidobacterium animalis Reducing intestinal discomfort associated with irritable bowel syndrome and neuroinflammation in mental health conditions.
Bifidobacterium infantis Promoting the production of acetic acid, lactic acid and formic acid, the increase of serotonergic precursors, antidepressant effect and anti-inflammatory effect.
Bifidobacterium fragilis Improving anxiety, stereotypes, sensorimotor and communicative behaviors.

Our Capabilities

  • Selection of the best probiotic strain for each specific disease and evaluation of its safety and tolerability aspects.
  • We develop scientifically formulated, customized formulations for specific disease demands and evaluate their efficacy and safety.
  • Exploring the beneficial effects of probiotics on the nervous system and their mechanisms of action.

Creative Enzymes is a professional and experienced probiotic supplier and service provider. We are committed to providing high quality scientific support to our clients in the research and development of probiotics for neurological related diseases. To get more information, please contact us and we will be happy to serve your research demands.


  1. Castelli, V.; et al. The emerging role of probiotics in neurodegenerative diseases: new hope for Parkinson's disease? Neural Regeneration Research. 2021, 16(4): 628.

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Our Products Cannot Be Used As Medicines Directly For Personal Use.