Automated Identification System

Creative Enzymes provides complete and proven solutions for probiotic-related product evaluation and development. To this end, we continue to break new ground by providing a variety of accurate and reliable microbial identification techniques, and are committed to applying our science to our clients' product development in order to help them obtain safe and reliable product information.

Introduction to Automated Microbial Identification Techniques

The automated identification system for microorganisms provides a fast and easy way to identify microorganisms. To identify a microorganism, traditional methods require a lot of work and time. Fortunately, advances in technology have allowed scientists to continuously apply advanced techniques from computers, molecular biology, physics and chemistry to microbiology. Based on traditional methods, a series of fast, easy, efficient and sensitive automated assays have been developed.

Automated microbial identification systems include biochemical identification systems based on the utilization of carbon sources or chemically sensitive substances, molecular biology identification systems based on gene sequencing and gene strip mapping, and mass spectrometry identification systems based on the analysis of electron time of flight after the electrolysis of different highly conserved microbial ribosomal proteins.

Fig. 1 Automated mass spectrometry-based identification methods - Creative Enzymes.Fig. 1 Automated mass spectrometry-based identification methods. (Patel, 2015)

The Automated Identification System Creative Enzymes Offered

As a professional provider of safety assessment services for probiotic products, we offer a range of automated microbial identification methods that are the standard international reference methods. Our scientists are using our expertise and proprietary technology platform to provide our clients with fast, reliable microbial identification solutions.

Biochemical-Based Identification System

The biochemical identification method is an improvement on the original biochemical test by compressing and integrating a series of biochemical reactions originally performed in a test tube into a set of devices containing a combination of small tubes containing dehydrated substrates for different biochemical tests. We use different coding identification series according to the identification object, inoculate a certain number of test cards, incubate them for a certain time at the appropriate temperature, and then express the obtained results numerically and compare them with the data in the database to obtain the identification results.

Our biochemical-based identification systems mainly include the API system and the Vitek fully automated bacterial identification system. Browse the related content for more details.

Molecular Biology-Based Identification System

The methods of molecular biology can be used directly for the identification of microorganisms due to their high specificity and sensitivity. Our identification system primarily uses genetic "fingerprinting" technology to identify microorganisms. In our working system, DNA extraction, restriction endonuclease digestion, electrophoresis, and data processing, which were previously done manually, are all done automatically by the instrument and generate automated analysis reports.

We mainly offer the RiboPrinter automated bacterial identification system. Browse the related content for more details.

Mass Spectrometry-Based Identification Systems

Each microorganism has its own unique protein and thus a unique fingerprint profile. Our automated mass spectrometry-based identification system can identify microorganisms at the species and genus levels within minutes by obtaining complete protein fingerprints from bacteria, processing them in software and comparing them with microbial peptide databases for analysis.

We mainly offer the MALDI Biotyper automated bacterial identification system. Browse the related content for more details.

Creative Enzymes offers automated detection systems that are fast, accurate, and higher throughput than traditional detection methods, allowing clients to quickly analyze and detect strain types in probiotic products with desired results. To get more information, please contact us or fill out the online inquiry below, we will be happy to serve your research demands.


  1. Patel, R. MALDI-TOF MS for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. Clinical chemistry. 2015, 61(1): 100-111.

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